In der Bibliothek der Abteilung Rom © DAI // Heide Behrens
With its stock of around 240,000 volumes and around 500 currently purchased journals, the library of the Rome Department is the most competent specialist library for classical studies in German possession and one of the most important collections of its kind worldwide. For some years now, the printed collection has been increasingly supplemented by digital monographs and journals which are available to all readers free of charge. The acquisition policy is centred on the archaeology of the Mediterranean world between the Aegean Bronze Age and the end of the 7th century AD, including the epigraphy, the numismatics, and art history. It furthermore covers documents on classical philology, the history of classical antiquity, provincial Roman archaeology, pre- and early history, Egyptology, and Near Eastern archaeology.
Address & Contact
Via Sardegna 79/81, 00187 Roma
Tel. +39 / 06 / 488.8141
E-mail: bibliothek.rom@dainst.de
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 09:00 - 18:30
Registration and Library Rules
Access is granted to all scientists who have completed an academic degree in one of the subjects for which the library acquires literature (Archaeology, Classical Philology, Ancient History, etc.), at least with a Master's degree. Access is also granted with a Bachelor's degree in relevant subjects combined with further studies or professional activity in the field of antiquity studies. Access to individual works may further be granted to other individuals upon request and after deliberation by the library.
Apply for a Library Card (PDF)
Library Rules (PDF)
Holdings and Use
To research our holdings, please use our OPAC iDAI.bibliography/Zenon: https://zenon.dainst.org/
Digital media such as e-books and e-journals can be used in the library via the guest WiFi. Further information can be found on the homepage of iDAI.bibliography/Zenon under “Information”.
The library is a reference library. It is not possible to remove books from its premises. The scanning of essays and individual sections from monographs is possible and free of charge, taking into account copyright regulations, although certain books are excluded from this for reasons of conservation. Two book scanners are available on the 3rd and 4th floor. You need a USB stick to use it.
Catalogue and Research
iDAI.bibliographie/ZENON is the catalogue of printed and digital holdings at all DAI libraries.
The search functions can be restricted to the location of Rome only. The catalogue lists all monographs published after 1995, about 90% of all earlier monographs, and all periodicals. It further covers hundreds of thousands of titles of articles in journals and anthologies published as from 1956.
Electronic Journals Library (EZB Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek) is a cooperative catalogue of scholarly e-journals in which also the DAI participates. We recommend it for searching for electronically available journals.
Info E-Ressourcen of the DAI provides further information on the use of e-journals, e-books, and databases available at the DAI.
URBiS Library Network is an international meta-catalogue of research institutes based in Rome, in which also the holdings of the DAI department in Rome are listed.
Propylaeum Specialized Information Service Classics is a comprehensive information service on printed and digital offers in the field of classical studies.

Geschichte der Bibliothek
Im Bullettino dell’Instituto di Corrispondenza von 1831, also zwei Jahre nach der Gründung des Instituts, wird die Bibliothek erstmals erwähnt und in ihrer Bedeutung hervorgehoben, obgleich sie damals lediglich 209 Bände besaß, die im Tausch oder als Geschenk ins Haus gekommen waren. Ihr kontinuierlicher Bestandsaufbau, heißt es dort, sei eine wichtige Aufgabe, denn er sei eine unverzichtbare Grundlage für die archäologische Forschung, da vor allem aktuelle Fachliteratur in den alten römischen Bibliotheken fehle. Diese müsse den Gelehrten zur Verfügung gestellt werden, die sich dem Institut verbunden fühlten. In seiner langen und wechselvollen Geschichte hat das Institut diesen Auftrag nie aus den Augen verloren und die Bibliothek ist ihm bis heute verpflichtet.
Icon iDAI.bibliography © DAI // Tanja Lemke-Mahdavi

Online Catalogue iDAI.bibliography
iDAI.bibliography/ZENON is the central indexing system for of the libraries of the DAI and other cooperation partners. With approximately 1.4 million records, it is one of the world's most important bibliographic reference tools for the literature of Classical Studies. At the same time, iDAI.bibliography also indexes digitised prints from the 16th to 19th centuries, digitised journals and open access publications in Classics. Increasingly, specialist literature without an inventory record is also included, for example as a bibliographic record for networking with the iDAI.world systems.
Icon iDAI.publications © DAI // Tanja Lemke-Mahdavi

iDAI.publications - Knowledge always available
The publication platforms iDAI.publications/books und iDAI.publications/journals are an important component of the DAI's digital research landscape, iDAI.world.. It provides free worldwide access to our online journals and the digital editions of a large number of DAI journals, monographs, serials and edited volumes.