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Archäologischer Anzeiger: new issue online


Cover of the print edition of AA 2024/1 © DAI Zentrale // Coverbild: Archiv der Boğazköy-Grabung, DAI-Istanbul (Foto: Daniel Schwemer – Andreas Schachner). Gestaltung Catrin Gerlach nach Vorlage von Tanja Lemke-Mahdavi. Alle Rechte vorbehalten

01.11.2024 | Zentrale-ZWA

In the latest issue of the Archäologischer Anzeiger (1st half-volume 2024), several outstanding results of the most recent research at Bogazköy-Hattuša are presented for the first time.

All of the articles in AA 2024/1 are freely available in both PDF and Viewer editions: https://doi.org/10.34780/t8ad-4zk6

In the latest issue of the journal Archäologischer Anzeiger, several exceptional finds from Bogazköy-Hattuša are presented. These finds significantly expand our understanding of the Bronze Age settlement:

Cuneiform tablet with a previously unknown Indo-Germanic language

Last year, the discovery of a cuneiform tablet from the 13th century BC with a Hittite ritual text was made public. The tablet contains a recitation of a previously unknown Indo-Germanic language. In the article by Elisabeth Rieken, Ilya Yakubovich and Daniel Schwemer, the edition of the entire text with a detailed commentary is presented for the first time (https://doi.org/10.34780/v669-8p6f).

Artistic bone inlay

This year's report from the Bogazköy excavations (https://doi.org/10.34780/fa2t-66da) also presents the find of a remarkable bone inlay decorated with incisions. The object, which was created between the late 14th and 12th century BC, shows a sphinx, a lion and two trees of life. It was probably part of a piece of furniture used at banquets. The scene depicted is unique in the Hittite cultural area and thus provides an example of trans-regional relationships in this period.

Painted hieroglyphs in the Poterne of Yerkapı

Further research into the painted Anatolian hieroglyphs in the Poterne of Yerkapı has led to significant progress in the identification and interpretation of the signs, which provide important clues to understanding the Hittite city’s topography from the 16th century BC onwards. These results are also presented for the first time in the report on the Bogazköy excavations (https://doi.org/10.34780/fa2t-66da).

In line with the journal's profile, the current issue also includes several so-called micropublications in which brand-new results are presented in a concise form:

The other contributions present

Cover of the print edition of AA 2024/1 DAI Zentrale // Coverbild: Archiv der Boğazköy-Grabung, DAI-Istanbul (Foto: Daniel Schwemer – Andreas Schachner). Gestaltung Catrin Gerlach nach Vorlage von Tanja Lemke-Mahdavi. Alle Rechte vorbehalten
Boğazköy-Ḫattuša, BK-NWH. Discovery location of the cuneiform tablet at the foot of Ambarlikaya DAI, Istanbul // Archiv der Boğazköy-Grabung, DAI-Istanbul (Foto: Andreas Schachner)
Boğazköy-Ḫattuša, BK-NWH. Inlaid wood decorated with incisions (Bo23-92-215). The preserved part shows, from left to right, a stylized tree of life, a seated sphinx facing left, a lion facing right and another tree of life DAI, Istanbul // Archiv der Boğazköy-Grabung, DAI-Istanbul (Foto: Daniel Schwemer – Andreas Schachner)
Boğazköy-Ḫattuša, Yerkapı. a: 3D model of the fragment with the hieroglyphic inscription of type F from the fill of the Yerkapı fortification (below: fragment with 4 different visibility textures applied); b: comparison with 8 F-inscriptions on the eastern wall of the Poterne of Yerkapı (Or+Nr. = orthophoto number; O+Nr. = inscription number) DAI, Istanbul // a) Archiv der Boğazköy-Grabung, DAI-Istanbul (Grafik und Foto: Leopoldo Repola); b) Archiv der Boğazköy-Grabung, DAI-Istanbul (Fotos: Metin Alparslan – Martin Gruber – Massimiliano Marazzi).