Unterrichtsmaterialien zur ägyptischen Archäologie (Teaching modules on archaeology in Egypt)

The project "Unterrichtsmaterialien zur ägyptischen Archäologie" provides teaching modules on various aspects of Egyptian archaeology. They are produced in cooperation with the Deutsche Evangelische Oberschule in Kairo (DEO) in German and Arabic language.

Titelbild zu den Unterrichtsmaterialien zur ägyptischen Archäologie © DAI Kairo // Anonym

DAI Standort  Abteilung Kairo

Laufzeit  01.09.2012 - 31.12.2016

Team  Dr. phil. Johanna Sigl

Laufzeit  2012 - 2016

Partner  Deutsche Evangelische Oberschule Kairo

Projekt-ID  4897

Permalink  https://www.dainst.org/projekt/-/project-display/57708


The project “Unterrichtsmaterialien zur ägyptischen Archäologie” (teaching modules on archaeology in Egypt) was launched in the scope of the transformation partnership between Germany and Egypt. It was established against the background of the use of German curricula at foreign schools in Egypt, in which the history of the home country of the pupils can only be addressed in limited form. The project’s objective is therefore the vivid, diversified and haptic communication of Egyptological knowledge to pupils of all ages.


In cooperation with the Deutsche Evangelische Oberschule in Kairo (DEO) the DAI Cairo compiles teaching materials, which can be introduced interdisciplinary in the regular curriculum. So far booklets on mathematics in ancient Egypt, the Turin Mining Papyrus (geography/geology) and ancient Egyptian language and script were published in German and Arabic language. Further ones on archaeological fieldwork and the history of Egypt are in progress.


Additionally the DAI Cairo provides guided tours by their scientific staff through Egyptian historic sites as well as the department’s own excavation areas. As an example, the 10th grades of the DEO already benefitted several times from this cooperation during their annual school trips to Upper Egypt, where students and teachers visited the archaeological sites in and around Aswan.