
Mitarbeiter der KulturGutRetter am DAI verlädt Schutzmaterialien für Kulturgut zum Transport in die Ukraine © DAI // Eva Götting
Ukraine Relief
Shortly after the beginning of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, the DAI organized and provided assistance and support for the Ukrainian colleagues and the ukrainian cultural heritage. The measures ranged from the delivery of protective materials to the provision of secure data storage and scholarships.

© DAI, Athen // Imantosis
Our Vision
As an archaeological research institute, our interest lies not only in understanding societies of the past. Answering questions about dealing with crises, cultural identity, and adaptation to changing environmental conditions is rather also of timeless interest for our coexistence today.
We want to understand the origins and development of technical innovations, explore the emergence and transformation of settlement areas, everyday life and trade, trace the human impact on climate and environmental change and investigate its effects.

Pergamon, Bauaufnahme des Thermalbades Kleopatra Güzellik Ilıcası © Archiv DAI-Pergamongrabung // K. Piesker
Our Projects
Cooperative research, worldwide and at the eye level, diverse, application-oriented and innovative

Freigelegte Mauerzüge aus der 1.Dynastie (ca. 3.000 v. Chr.) in Buto im Nildelta © DAI // Ulrich Hartung
Our Research Infrastructure
Our research infrastructures provide access to knowledge - sustainable, international and open

Illustrierendes Bild für den Bereich Publikationen © DAI // Anonym
Shared knowledge is the basis of research and exchange - as an online journal, research data publication or high-quality book edition.

© DAI, Madrid // D. Banos
Climate & Sustainability
The global consequences of climate change are among the great challenges of our time. In its socio-historical perspective, archaeological research also allows us to trace these long-term effects on human communities. Thanks to our long tradition of archaeological and scientific cooperation, the DAI offers a unique research environment to pursue these questions.

Illustrierendes Bild für Bewerben am DAI © Photo by Christin Hume on unsplash // Christin Hume
Apply at the DAI
The German Archaeological Institute regularly advertises vacancies. Here you will find all current vacancies in all departments and work areas.
We offer career opportunities in the fields of science, research infrastructure and administration. Modern equipment, flexible working models, equal opportunities and family friendliness characterize the work at the DAI.