NETwork and digital platform for Cultural Heritage Enhancing and Rebuilding

NETCHER established an information network at European scale of actors engaged in the preservation of cultural heritage. It created a Social Platform aimed at systematizing and framing best practices in order to enhance and capitalize on the international experiences of the Consortium members, and produced a charter of good paractices.

© Manhattan District Attorney's Office // Manhattan District Attorney's Office

DAI Standort  Römisch-Germanische Kommission

Projektart  Einzelprojekt

Laufzeit  01.2020 - 03.2021

Disziplinen  Kulturgüterschutz

Projektverantwortlicher  Dr. Philipp von Rummel, Wissenschaftlicher Referent David Wigg-Wolf

Adresse  Podbielskiallee 69-71 , 14195 Berlin


Laufzeit  2020 - 2021

Projektart  Einzelprojekt

Fokus  Kulturerhalt/Cultural Heritage, Infrastrukturprojekte

Disziplin  Kulturgüterschutz

Partner  Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, École Nationale Supérieure de la Police – ENSP, Capital High Tech, Interarts (Fundació Interarts per a la cooperació cultural internacional), Michael Culture Association – MCA

Schlagworte  Kulturgüterschutz

Projekt-ID  5666


To face the challenge of the illegal international trafficking of antiquities, the Horizon 2020 project NETcher was initiated by HiSoMA, CNRS, Lyon with six objectives:

Defining the state of play of current and past initiatives.

Setting up a social and a digital platform to create a lively international and multidisciplinary network of practitioners with shared convictions, values and protocols, and enhance their active cooperation and experience.

Training stakeholders by organising training modules to share best practices, protocols and innovative technologies with security forces, cultural heritage specialists, art market, professionals, policy makers, etc.

Managing a Social Platform as a unique entry point for any actor that needs tools, data, and documents on the issues tackled by the NETCHER project.

Defining an international framewor involving academia, the security forces and the knowledge ecosystem to co-create a transnational and interdisciplinary working framework on best practices and toolkits, on protocol assessment for the inventory of cultural goods, but also to check the legitimacy and track the history of cultural goods, and share alert information.

Raising awareness among art curators, galleries, collectors, dealers, local, national and European public authorities and the general public about the consequences of illegal trafficking of cultural goods.