Study and Contact Tour 2024 - Call for Applications
Study Contact Tour 2024 © DAI Kairo // Anonym
Study and Contact Tour, 2024
Call for Applications
Depending on qualified applications, the availability of the necessary funds, and the overall situation in the summer of 2024, the German Archaeological Institute will offer a Study and Contact Tour for 8 to 12 Egyptian archaeologists and museologists. The successful applicants will be invited to spend approximately 10 days in Germany, visiting Egyptological and archaeological institutes, sites, and museums, meeting German colleagues, and studying current and innovative approaches to museum display.
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Maximum age of 45 years.
- Good knowledge of the English language (A recent Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS is a plus).
- An M.A. degree in Egyptology, Coptology, Islamic Archaeology, Papyrology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Museology, Heritage Conservation or Site Management.
- Current employment by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.
The German Archaeological Institute will cover all traveling and accommodation costs and living expenses in Germany. The German Archaeological Institute Cairo, in cooperation with German universities, museums, and other research institutions, will also provide adequate guidance for participants during their stay in Germany.
Applications must be written in English and sent as a single PDF file via email to by the deadline below.
Applications must consist of:
- The Application Form, including the signed Declaration on Accuracy of Information, download:
- A CV providing information on:
- The course of scholarly education and academic career.
- Current employment.
- Professional experience.
- Previous traveling experience.
- A clear copy of the following documents:
- The official ID of the recent position at MoTA
- A valid passport
- The M.A. Certificate
- A recent Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS is a plus.
- Motivation Letter (max. of two A4 pages) including the following:
- Information on the applicant’s scholarly interests and projects
- A personal statement explaining why you would like to travel to Germany and how you hope to benefit from this experience.
Applicants must note the following:
- Only complete applications will be considered.
- Applications must be submitted max. by the deadline to be considered.
- The scholarship program particularly encourages applications from all over Egypt and applicants without previous travel experience to Europe.
- Previously invited guests or former participants in a Study, Contact, and Museology Tour of the German Archaeological Institute cannot apply again.
Application process:
The application deadline is May 7, 2024. By the end of May 2024, a committee board will invite short-listed candidates for a personal interview. Notifications will be send end of May 2024. The journey itself is scheduled for July/August 2024.
For enquiries please contact
Dowload the call as PDF:
Dietrich Raue
, Erster Direktor
DAI Pressestelle
Podbielskiallee 69
14195 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 187711-120
Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities MoTA