Giornata di Studi »Cushions, paddings and upholstery in Antiquity«


9:30-10:00 Dimitra Andrianou: Pillows, Cushions and Padding in the Ancient Greek World: Gathering the Elusive Evidence

10:00-10:30 Maximilian Bartels (Zoom): Vorschläge zur Nutzung von Datenbanken für die Erforschung von Kissen und Polstern

10:30-11:00 Heiko Ullrich, Privatdetektiv und Paparazzo: Zwei Kissen zwischen (Halb-) Öffentlichkeit, Privat- und Intimsphäre in Catull. 6

11:00-11:30 Coffee break


11:30-12:00 Niklas Unterdörfel: Comfortable emperor - uncomfortable office? An examination of upholstery fashions in Roman numismatics

12:00-12:30 Annemarie Schantor: Decorated cushions and mattresses on the lids of Roman sarcophagi

12:30-13:00 Sabine Schrenk: Design follows function?

13:00-14:30 Lunch break


14:30-15:00 Barbara Thomas: Technical aspects of weaving a taqueté

15:00-15:30 Annemarie Stauffer (Zoom), Soft furnishings for klinae: The evidence from Palmyra

15:30-16:00 Annette Paetz gen. Schieck: Cushions of Late Roman Egypt

16:00-16:30 Coffee break


16:30-17:00 Johanna Banck Burgess: The upholstered deathbed from the princely tomb of Eberdingen-Hochdorf: a lighthouse find

17:00-17:30 Francesca Coletti: Looking for evidence of cushions, padding and upholstery in Pompeii

17:30-18:00 Patrick Wertmann: Ancient Saddlery Unpacked: Insights from the Yanghai Saddle

18:00-18:30 Berit Hildebrandt: Cushion or garbage (or both)? How to identify remnants of fillings and paddings in archaeological contexts


18:30 Final discussion